Top Event - Jan Technical Talk - Y2K To Today: A Look At The 21st Century First Quarter - Register!
President's Message - With Change We Grow!
Hang With Us
The ISA Calgary Section SAIT Student Chapter is a fun bunch! From our staple Student Membership Drives, to Beakerhead to FIRST, and the IASC-SAIT International Student Games, we participate in, organize, support and sponsor many events for up-and-comers…
Be A Member
Why should you join ISA? Plain and simple; it’s a smart career move. We’ll let ISA Headquarters persuade you…
Volunteer Yourself
Good help is hard to find. Are you interested in assisting with our events, sharing your knowledge or just wanna be involved? If the answer is “yes”…
Be On The Board
Help steer our ship. Make decisions, table ideas, develop leadership skills, and so much more…